Light Energy is Used to Stimulate the Body’s Repair Mechanisms
How Is It Applied?
A specific dose is determined for your condition based on the body's chronic or acute region and other individual factors.
The laser is moved over an area in a slow-scanning motion.
What Does It Feel Like?
A mild warmth sensation under the wide laser beam and a feeling of relaxation of the muscles.
How Long Will It Take?
LiteCure Class IV High-Intensity Laser Therapy (HILT)
For over fifty years, laser therapy has been used to stimulate living tissues (photobiomodulation).
The first use of low power laser to stimulate healing is credited to Dr. Andre Mester of Semmelweis University in Budapest, Hungary, for his infamous wound healing studies in 1967.
The addition of this new therapeutic modality allows the practitioner to enhance the patient’s healing in multiple ways. Pain reduction can occur through decreasing inflammatory chemicals, decreasing nerve irritability, and even nerve function. Healing tissue has shown to be stronger from laser therapy stimulation than without. Muscle soreness and swelling can be decreased, allowing a faster return to activity and decreased treatments.
High-Intensity Laser Therapy (HILT) does not destroy tissues.
How Does a Laser Work?
Examples of Conditions that Respond to Laser Therapy
Low back pain, acute, chronic, cervical pain, disc disorders, nerve pain, muscle pain, peripheral neuropathy, TMJ syndrome, shoulder tendinopathy, frozen shoulder, degenerative knee arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, shingles, carpal tunnel syndrome, Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis
All of this adds up to our patients' win-win situation when High-Intensity Laser Therapy (HILT) is included in their treatment plan.
How Does High-Intensity Laser Therapy (Class IV) Differ From Cold Laser Therapy (Class lll) for Pain and Healing?
Laser therapy is applied by determining a specific dose (much like medication) and is dependent on available laser power, the total area to be treated, and the amount of inflammation of the tissues receiving laser therapy. Class III also known as Cold Laser can deliver a thousand times less power than the Class IIII. The Doctor will explain how laser specifically applied to your condition during your first examination. High-Intensity Laser Therapy or HILT has been proven comfortable, SAFE, and EFFECTIVE in thousands of patients and many clinical trials.