Benefits of Massage
Jonathan Bascom, LMT
[email protected]
In house independent
licensed massage therapist
Please call 941-313-0810
for appointment
Jonathan graduated from the Sarasota School of Natural Healing Arts in 1992 and from the International Academy of Neuromuscular Therapies in St. Petersburg, Fl in 1994.
His continuing education in the healing arts include studies in; Nutrition, Active Release Technique, Myofascial Release, Cervical Strain/ Sprain, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Surgery Scars /Burns and Cancer Treatment Issues.
Massage Supports Chiropractic Treatment:
You can benefit in a number of ways by adding massage therapy to your chiropractic care program. Recovery is normally faster and more complete when you address multiple components of your pain.
Chiropractic treatment often proceeds with less discomfort when soft tissue has been relaxed with massage. You may be mentally and physically de-stressed for the adjustment.